Sunday 20 May 2012

Avengers Assemble

Avengers Assemble. Ain't it obvious how The Hulk is the protagonist? I know they're all are but come on, The Hulk pretty much made dominated the film's amazingness. The amazing thing is he didn't even appear much but he still stole the limelight (in my opinion). Don't you think so? If you wanna share your opinion, then feel free to leave a comment underneath. 
Wow. This film exceeded my expectations. It was definitely worth all the hype! 
All characters were amazing but my favourite character has got to be the Hulk. SUCH A LOVABLE CREATURE and yet he's got this dark side of him. I think this is the reason why I adore him so much because I can relate to him. The uses and gratification theory argues that 'audience needs have social and psychological needs which generate certain expectations about the mass media.' In Avengers Assemble, I can relate to Hulk in association of the need for social and self identity because I find reinforcement for his personal values. This simply means that I can see some similarities between myself and his characters. Do you think you do too? I'll let you be the judge of that. Also, he may be mad all the time but he only means well, we all know he's got a good heart. Another thing that makes him lovable is the use of humour towards his character. For those who has seen it will know what I'm talking about. As much as I wanna talk about my favourite scenes, I don't wanna spoil it to those who hasn't seen it yet :P 

Moreover, I would also like to say kudos to the beautiful black widow. There's only one word to describe Scarlet Johansson as black widow, and that word is SEXY. That part is intended to Scarlet and Scarlet only. SHE WAS AWESOME!   
Let's go Avengers!
Holding my large popcorn and Fanta. Brother wanted me to blurred him out due to his silly expression. lol. 
With mama dear, holding our large drinks <3
Avengers were amazing! I WILL NOT GET TIRED OF SAYING THIS!
Hi Avengers :)

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